Friday, February 4, 2011

Say Yes To Khana

What does the above picture show?


Dhiraj said...

d 2038 ad problem mostly in unix based os. there is a integer overflow and the os misinterprets d time as 1901 instead of 2038

Siddarth Pai said...

2038 problem
Computers who store their date as 32 bits will have this probelm, causing their clocks to reset
Like the Y2K problem would have
Mainly affects Unix systems
The date will be stored as negative

Nanda said...

Year 2038 problem

appuchin said...

year 2038 problem

amrishan said...

all these nos displayed got something to do with golden ratio i hope......wild guess

amrishan said...

i guess all those nos displayed got something to do with the golden ratio......