Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mangey Wastrel!

Who are these guys?


Dhiraj said...

Davy jones and his crew before being graphically stimulated in d pirates of d Caribbean using computer generated graphics

Siddarth Pai said...


mainly davey jones and his crew

using CGI, they look as such
these are the original actors

boojith said...

the guys in pirates of the caribbean!!!
easy one

indian said...

animator artists of pirates of the carribbean film with sensors.

Unknown said...

Filming of the Pirates of the Carribean.

Unknown said...

pirates of the carribean people?

Gunjan said...

Pirates of the Caribbean

The grand swami said...

Davy jones's crew. Eeeeeehhhhhiiiiieeeee

dal man said...

given points only for davy jones' crew. Therefore cracked by Siddarth Pai, Dhiraj and The Grand Swami