Thursday, December 23, 2010

Don't Tell Him That

The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation. At the time, per the December 21, 1993 Department of Defense Directive 1332.14, it was legal policy that homosexuality is incompatible with military service and persons who engaged in homosexual acts or stated that they are homosexual or bisexual were discharged. The Uniform Code of Military Justice, passed by Congress in 1950 and signed by President Harry S Truman, established the policies and procedures for discharging homosexual service members.

What policy are we talking about?



boojith said...

dont ask dont tell policy!!!!!!!!!

Dhiraj said...

Bill Clinton's policy of Military disservice

Soumya said...

Well, is it something along the lines of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' ?
(am not sure if those are the exact words)

Gunjan said...

Don't ask, don't tell (DADT)

Unknown said...

It's the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy.

sej said...

dont ask dont tell

Siddarth Pai said...

Don't ask, don't tell

dal man said...

Answer: DADT or Don't Tell Don't Ask

Dhiraj said...

i.e., Dunt Ask, Dont Tell