Friday, December 24, 2010

Please Don't Get Relegated

X is the phenomenon of melting under pressure and freezing again when the pressure is reduced. Many textbooks and reference books as well as websites often claim that X can be demonstrated by looping a fine wire around a block of ice , with a heavy weight attached to it. The pressure exerted on the ice slowly melts it locally, permitting the wire to pass through the entire block. The wire's track will refill as soon as pressure is relieved, so the ice block will remain solid even after wire passes completely through.

X was discovered by Y and occurs only for substances 
that have the property of expanding upon freezing, for the melting points of those substances decrease with increasing external pressure.


Nanda said...

Y-Michael Faraday

Unknown said...

Regelation. The name of the question just made it really simple.

boojith said...

x- relegation
y-michael faraday

easy one!!!!

sej said...

relegation ? hahahah title guess !

Siddarth Pai said...



Gunjan said...

Regelation discovered by Michael Faraday.

Dhiraj said...

Y-Michael Faraday

dal man said...

Y-Michael Faraday