Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Was Born Intelligent But Education Ruined Me

Connect the following people:

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Azim Premji, Mukesh Ambani, Eike Batista, Vinod Goenka.....

Non-exhaustive list... Please don't state the obvious, but the answer is not very far away from the obvious.



boojith said...

university drop outs!!!!!!!!!!
easy one!!!!

boojith said...

university drop outs who became billionaires

Soumya said...

None of them did well in school, academically?

Gunjan said...

They are all on the College Dropout Billionaires List.

(Is that the obvious or is that the answer you're looking for?)

Unknown said...

I'm not sure, but are they all drop outs?

sej said...

they were all college dropouts

Siddarth Pai said...

Pledge to give away half their cash

dal man said...

Full crack by boojith and Gunjan. 0.5 points for university dropouts. Soumya, rdx and Siddarth Pai get no points...