Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent

Identify this man and what is special about the throne he is sitting on?


Dhiraj said...

Isaac Asimov - the man who quoted it.
This is a picture painted by an artist depicting enthroned with symbols of his life's work.
Sorry i donno the artist.

Siddarth Pai said...

Isaac Asimov

on his life's works made into a throne

similar question on another blog
asimov was an answer

Siddarth Pai said...

Isaac Asimov

on his life's works made into a throne

similar question on another blog
asimov was an answer

sej said...

asimov's throne of his life

Nanda said...

Isaac Asimov

dal man said...

Full crack by Siddarth Pai, sej nd Dhiraj