Saturday, December 25, 2010


Connect the picture on top to the compound below. No points for identifying them.


Dhiraj said...

the first picture - barbie
the second picture - barbiturate
both are named after persons named barbera.
first - inventor's daughters name.
second - saint barbera

Siddarth Pai said...

I'll id them for the hell of it


barbiturate acid

besides the blatant similarities in their names

barbiturate acid was named after st Barbara, patron saint of artillerist, with whom Baeyer was staying with when he discovered the compound

And barbie is named after Ruth Handler's daughter, Barbara

So barbara it is

boojith said...

1st ine is a barbie doll
and second barbiturate acid!!

sej said...

both are named after BARBARA

Gunjan said...

The first is Barbie.
The second is the symbol for a Barbiturate which is also referred to as barbie or as doll in slang.

dal man said...

Full crack by Siddarth Pai. Dhiraj and sej get it too. No points to gunjan and boojith